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Trump Beats Globalization, The Establishment And Corporate Media
- November 13, 2016
Posted By: DesiBuzzCanada November 13, 2016
By Dr. Sawraj Singh
Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of America by beating the forces of Globalization, Establishment and the Media. The neo conservatives joined the forces with the neo liberals to prevent him from being elected. It was not just the Democratic Party establishment; the Republican Party establishment did not want him elected either. The media was openly tilted toward Hillary. It did not even pretend to be neutral or impartial. Even till the last day before the election, the media tried to convince the people that Hillary was sure to win. The New York Times gave Hillary more than 80% chances to win. Overall, the American media gave more than 90% chances to Hillary. Trump beat all these odds. Was the media objective? Is it siding with the forces of Globalization and Establishment? Even after his victory, the media tried to delay the news as much as possible. The Russian media was the first to declare him the winner.
I feel that Trump victory is an anti globalization vote just like the Brexit vote in England and Merkel’s party’s defeat in German state election. The current globalization has two major problems. It is an economic only without any ethical aspect. It also lacks a true global perspective and is only motivated by the narrow interests of the multinational corporations. For this globalization people are just like robots or machines which can generate profit for them. These corporations are only concerned with maximizing their profits. They are not concerned with the social and cultural impacts of their policies. As a result they bring labor from anywhere that is cheaper or they will take jobs where ever they can get their products manufactured cheaper. They do not mind taking jobs away from their own countrymen. They do not care whether their country men are going to lose their way of life.
Before capitalism, migration of people was more natural. The natural migration was guided by needs where as migration under capitalism is the result of desire, profit (Greed). The main factor responsible for the present migration is the greed of the capitalist class. It wants to maximize its profit. Capitalism has led to uneven development resulting in limited chances of employment in the third world countries. This is the pushing factor. Capitalists wanted to employ the cheap foreign labor. This is the pulling factor. Both these factors led to uncontrolled and unregulated migration. This results in social and cultural instability both in the countries of their origin as well as the countries which receive them. People in many countries feel that their culture, their values and their way of life is being lost. They blame migration for both, economic loss as well as cultural loss.
Trump appeared unsophisticated, at times crude and made politically incorrect statements. However, all that instead of becoming a liability, seems to have become an asset for him. He was able to project himself as a common man. Even the women who came forward to blame him for sexual abuse, in a strange way, seems to have worked in his favor. Common men are sick and tired of these pseudo liberated women who do not lose any opportunity to prove that they are in no way less than men but whenever it is convenient for them they turn around and present themselves as victims. The common people consider that manipulative and conniving. Why did these women wait 30-40 years to come forward with their alleged cases of sexual abuse? The motive seems questionable if not ulterior.
Globalization has promoted elitism, including political and intellectual elitism. The intellectuals become divorced from the masses. In the Brexit vote the working people solidly voted for the exit where as the Labor Party and the leftist intellectuals voted to remain in the European Union. Same thing happened in the US, the working people rallied behind Trump even when the leftist intellectuals were demonizing him. The left leaning politicians and intellectuals should do some soul searching and try to find out why they and the working people are in the opposite camps.
In their quest for a classless society, they themselves have become an elitist class. They are the intellectual elite divorced from the masses. They are confined within the walls of the universities and other centers of higher learning as well as other elitist intellectual institutions. Globalization has changed them to a privileged class but they no longer have roots in the masses. The alienation of people from themselves is also an effect of globalization.
Contrary to the media’s biased propaganda; election of Trump has actually reduced chances of a third world war and has increased chances of cooperation among the major powers such as Russia and China. It will be no exaggeration to say that election of Trump has elevated Putin to the most important and the most powerful leader of the world. Now he can rightfully claim that the President of the most powerful country of the world as one of his admirers.
Cordial relations between Putin and Trump will be conducive to maintain peace and harmony in the world. Similarly, Trump is unlikely to follow an aggressive and assertive policy in Asia. This will be welcomed by China. Moreover, Trump will like Japan and South Korea to share the military expenses. This will give them an incentive to get along with China. The net result could be less chance of confrontation between China and America. Hillary was more likely to enforce a no fly zone over Syria resulting in a direct confrontation with Russia. This could easily escalate to a most destructive nuclear Third World War. The American people might have made the world a safer place by electing Trump.
Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at