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The Force Awakens: Russia, China, India Forging A Post American Era In A Multi-polar World
- September 5, 2017

It is becoming increasingly clear that we are entering a new era, Post American Era. East has risen. Asia’s century has dawned. The period between the collapse of the Soviet Union to overthrowing of the Libyan leader Gaddafi can be called the American Era. In this period America was the unchallenged power in the world and it could pretty much do whatever it wanted. Overthrowing Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the Afghanistan war and dismantling Yugoslavia are a few examples of the unchallenged power of America besides overthrowing Gaddafi in this era.
By Dr. Sawraj Singh
It is becoming increasingly clear that we are entering a new era, Post American Era. East has risen. Asia’s century has dawned. The period between the collapse of the Soviet Union to overthrowing of the Libyan leader Gaddafi can be called the American Era. In this period America was the unchallenged power in the world and it could pretty much do whatever it wanted. Overthrowing Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the Afghanistan war and dismantling Yugoslavia are a few examples of the unchallenged power of America besides overthrowing Gaddafi in this era.
However, the Syrian war changed all this. America put all its might and prestige in getting rid of Assad but failed. It signaled the beginning of a new era which can be called “Post American Era”. Russia, China and Iran joined in an effort to show the world that a line in sand has been drawn and America can no longer do whatever it wants, wherever it wants and whenever it wants. The world indeed has become multipolar from unipolar.
Russiaand China are leading this march toward the Post American Era and a new multipolar world order which is going to replace American led unipolar world order. However, I feel that India should also be a part of this group because Russia, China and India together can provide a complete replacement of the American leadership of the world. India has a very large population base, particularly the young population and India has an economy which has the potential to grow very fast.
India and China have just resolved the Doklam crisis by diplomatic means and are moving on to the BRICS summit. Prime Minister Modi is going to attend the summit in China. Both China and India realize that they have to cooperate and move forward to Asia’s Century in spite of their differences. India and China being the biggest countries of Asia have to play the leading role in Asia’s Century. Despite their differences, India and China share the view that their future lies with the people of Asia.
In the western dominated world both countries were marginalized for a long time. They can only get the status they really deserve in a multipolar new world order led by Russia, China and India instead of the American led unipolar world order. India has to realize that its natural alliance is with Russia and China rather than with America and Israel.
India has to reconsider its policies and clearly define fundamental interests of its people. It will become clear that India has to look East rather than keep leaning toward America and Israel. India can have good relations with those countries but it cannot have an alliance with them because there is a fundamental clash of interests with those countries. They want to maintain status quo whereas Indian people’s interests are best served in the new world order. India wants change whereas America and Israel are resisting change because they are beneficiaries of the present order.
Russia, China and India have to change the old world institutions because they are based upon inequality and unfairness. All these institutions have favored the western countries, the rich countries and the developed countries at the expense of the third world countries, the poor countries and the developing countries. Time has come when we can build new world institutions based on the principles of fairness, equality, justice and mutual respect. Today the force is with us and the force has awakened.
Another factor to consider is that if we look at the history of last hundreds of years then one thing becomes obvious that the world was always led by a Eurasian power. Rome, Greece, Egypt, Persia, Turkey, China, Mongolia, India and Russia were the leading countries of the world at some time in history. America is the only exception to the rule. We can also say that the natural evolution has always favored the Eurasian region to play the leading role in the world. Nature also likes to experiment. It gave a chance to a non Eurasian power to lead the world. Many times these aberrations do not work and nature has to revert to its original state.
The American Era was an aberration and nature seems to have decided to restore the leadership to Eurasia. Therefore, an alliance of Russia, China and India at this time seems to be more compatible with nature’s Will. When nature wants change it awakens the force for bringing this change. Asia and the East have risen and the force is awakened.
Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at