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Hundial And Locke Say Mayor “doug Paaji” Doesn’t Have City-wide Support For Surrey Police As Indicated By Public Engagement Report
- December 27, 2019
“The much-delayed Public Engagement Report is available here: Pages 42 to 118 show substantial public opposition to a Surrey Police Force. It was all orchestrated to get the Policing Transition Report delivered to Wally Oppal before he, or anyone else, could read the Public Engagement Feedback Report which clearly shows McCallum does not have the public support he claims to have.”
SURREY – Rebel councillors Jack Hundial and Brenda Locke have been pummelling Surrey mayor Doug McCallum, aka Doug Paaji” with accusations that he tried to censure and bury a critical report of public input and now they say mayor’s release of censured documents show that he doesn’t have city-wide support for this pet project – the Surrey police force.
Hundial and Locke put out a press release Friday in which they said the long-awaited Surrey Policing Transition Study Report was rushed out earlier this week after McCallum’s hand was forced by renewed calls demanding the report on Surrey’s Public Engagement Process on Policing to be released.
Twenty-three events were held in the spring and over ten thousand survey responses were received. The public’s feedback had been classified as confidential – unbelievable, but true, they say. The reason provided - "that it was politically sensitive information."
On top of that, even Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to get access to the report were stalled.
“On Monday afternoon of Dec 23rd, the Policing Transition Report was rushed out to the Committee Chair Wally Oppal. This was trumpeted as a significant step forward and was announced by a press release. The press release contained at least one serious error regarding the next steps of the transition process. Suddenly the much-delayed Public Engagement Report was also posted, without any notice, to the deep regions of the City’s website,” the press release stated.
“It is available here: Pages 42 to 118 show substantial public opposition to a Surrey Police Force. It was all orchestrated to get the Policing Transition Report delivered to Wally Oppal before he, or anyone else, could read the Public Engagement Feedback Report which clearly shows McCallum does not have the public support he claims to have.”
Hundial and Locke sat it would be interesting to know who was calling the shots on Monday afternoon when the flurry of activity was taking place.
“Policing is a serious issue. He or she should be accountable and answer questions,” they said.