A shocking discovery of a gun brought by an Indo-Canadian youngster to his elementary school led to a huge police presence in Brampton as the young student, identified as Sukhraj, was escorted out of the class by cops. Videos of the youngster holding a gun while sitting in his classroom followed by police arriving in the classroom and calling him by his name “Sukhraj” to come to the front and  bring his bag which he obliges as well as him being put in a car outside the school circulated all day Friday on social media especially whatsapp. The incident happened Monday but the news and videos came out Friday.

By PD Raj – Senior Reporter DESIBUZZCanada

BRAMPTON – A shocking discovery of a gun brought by an Indo-Canadian youngster to his elementary school led to a huge police presence in Brampton as the young student, identified as Sukhraj, was escorted out of the class by cops

Videos of the youngster holding a gun while sitting in his classroom followed by police arriving in the classroom and calling him by his name “Sukhraj” to come to the front and  bring his bag which he obliges as well as him being put in a car outside the school circulated all day Friday on social media especially whatsapp.


The incident happened Monday but the news and videos came out Friday.

Sukhraj was taken into custody by police on Monday afternoon at his Brampton school.

Peel police say they were called to the area of Kennedy Road and Church Street around 1:40 p.m. on Dec. 6 after receiving reports of “a student at a school posting on social media with a weapon.”

The school — which police did not identify — was placed in lockdown as a precaution.

No injuries were reported.

Peel police did not provide an age or gender for the student taken into custody or say what charges they may face. But from videos – Sukhraj looks like a grade 4 or 5 student aged 9-10-years-old.