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REPUBLIC DAY: Shri Guru Granth Saheb Has Many Lessons For The Indian Republic
- January 24, 2021
By Zile Singh
Monday, January 26, 2021 is the Republic Day of India. It will be celebrated throughout India and abroad by the Indian Diaspora. In the context of Guru Granth Saheb:
Three Stars shining above in the Sky.
Illuminating the Earth without a Shy.
The two lines above are about Sant Ravidass, Sant Kabir and Baba Nanak (in the sequence of their birth) as the three shining stars in the social, spiritual and economic domains of the Indian sub-continent. From Guru Granth’s point of view, their sequence changes to Baba Nanak, Kabir and Ravidass. (number of their hymns in the Granth). If Guru Arjan Dev is the face (compiler) of the holy Granth, these three enlightened souls plus Sheikh Farid are the backbone of the Granth. They cobbled, weaved and ploughed respectively. They are three gems in the garland of God.
According to the Constitution, the Indian identity is - Republic, Democratic, Secular, Socialist and Sovereign. And Justice - Equality, Liberty and Fraternity. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, Chairman of the Drafting Committee is the face of the Indian Constitution. The above-mentioned identities- a sovereign, secular, socialist, democratic republic with justice, equality, liberty and fraternity are the backbone of the Indian Constitution. Dr. Ambedkar scored a point because he was three-in-one in a sense that by birth he was from a low caste like Sant Ravidass, while growing up he had a great influence of Kabir because his family was Kabir Panthi and by education, he was an ‘enfant terrible’ like Baba Nanak. For the convenience of the readers, the Oxford dictionary meaning of ‘enfant terrible’ is ‘a person who causes embarrassment by indiscreet questions and extraordinary behaviour. So in this respect Nanak and Ambedkar’s views are akin. Dr. Ambedkar had to show his unpleasant behaviour to many at the Round Table Conference and many other occasions when he sought justice for the lowest of the low. Nanak also put his teachers and the priest in such a dilemma on several occasions. Both had their upper hand in the fight for a genuine and just cause. Be it a matter of a ritual of wearing a Janeu or seeking the rights of the Dalit Janta.
Part IV of the Indian Constitution enshrines the Directive Principles of State Policy directing the State to enact and implement laws that are for the welfare of the people. In a prominent hymn recorded in Guru Granth, Sant Ravidass envisioned a place or a country called ‘Begampura’ where there should not be any pain, fear, hunger and sorrow. People should be free from the burden of tax and there should be eternal peace and freedom of movement. Everyone should have enough for his livelihood. All should be equal - no high and no low, no rich and no poor. There should be such a spring of water where a lion and a goat can drink side by side.
Article 15 of the Indian Constitution states that no person shall be discriminated on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. In this context Sant Kabir said in the Granth:
Awal Allaah noor Upaaya Kudrat ke sab bande.
Ek noor te sab jag upjaya, kaun bhale kaun mande.
Kabir logically emphasized that everyone is the creation of God. All are equal to Him. The division and classification of the society are man-made and are in violation of the Law of the Supreme. How beautifully Kabir said on gender equality: Nari ninda na karo, nari ratan ki khaan. Nari se nar hot hai, Dhurv, Prahlad samaan.
Further, the Constitution enumerates the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression. Kabir, throughout his life, practiced the freedom of thought and expression. He took the liberty to exhort both the Hindus and the Muslims:
Pathar puje Ram mile to mein puju pahar. Ghar ki chakki koi na puje, pees khai sansar.
Kankar pathar jor ke masjid lai banai. Uppar chad mulla bang de bahra hua khudai.
Guru Nanak also vehemently criticized the religious bigotry of both Hindus and the Muslims. How beautifully Guru Nanak said, “ Sabhe sanjhi wal sadayan, Koi na dikhe bahar jivo. This country is for all. Nobody is an outsider here. It is an attitude of respect and reverence towards all human beings. He said, “I am neither a Hindu nor a Musalman. I am the lowest of the low.” Guru Nanak preached “ Ek Onkar Satnam.” The whole universe is One. Diverse in their form all religions are arrayed under a universal rule. Intolerance is proof of incomprehension.
“Nanak naam chadh di kala. Tere Bhane sarbat da bhala.”
Sabh ka saath, sab ka vikas and sab ka viswas.
On the occasion of the Adoption of the Constitution on November 26, 1949, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, President of the Constituent Assembly said, “ …the welfare of the country will depend upon the way in which the country is administered. …If the people who are elected are capable and men of character and integrity, they would be able to make the best even of a defective Constitution. If they are lacking in these, the Constitution cannot help the country….”
The present protest of the Farmers’ and its handling by the government indicates that we are on the verge of Constitutional crisis. Let us hope that the republican essence of the Constitution will prevail on all concerned. – the farmers as well as the government alike.
Zile Singh is a well respected Columnist, Writer and a Vipassana Meditater. He has a Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Rights. He can be reached at