By Balwant Sanghera

It was a pleasant surprise for me to receive a message from my Richmond Northeast MLA Teresa Wat on Wednesday, August 21. The message read: “On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, I am pleased to inform you that you have been awarded the King Charles Third Coronation Medal. This Medal is awarded to those who have made outstanding contributions to our province and made a difference to all in our community."

During the past few years, I have been privileged to receive several recognitions including Order Of British Columbia (2004), Queen’s Golden, Diamond and PlatinumJubilee Medals, Solicitor General’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Crime Prevention and Community Safety, one of Top Ten Citizens of Richmond, one of Top 25 Canadian Immigrants (2010), one of Top 100 University of British Columbia ‘s Faculty of Education Alumni members and several others. All these awards and recognition mean a lot to me, and I cherish each one of them. 

Since my arrival in Canada in 1966 I have always made an earnest effort to serve this country to the best of my ability. I believe that Canada is a wonderful, generous, welcoming, compassionate and multicultural country. It is one of the best, if not the best, country in the world to live in. Its Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a shining example for others to follow. Canada is one of the most desirable countries to live in.As residents of Canada, we have an obligation and a responsibility to make what ever contribution we can make for its betterment.

For me,all these honours, medals and recognition are very special. Such recognition makes me proud to be a Canadian. I am very thankful to numerous organizations, agencies and well-wishers for considering me worth these honours. For the King Charles Coronation Medal, I am very thankful to the Governor General of Canada, Right Honourable Mary Simon, the government of Canada and my MLA Teresa Wat.