By Dr. Sawraj Singh

          America wants a new military alliance. This alliance can be called a new NATO. First, America formed a quadrilateral alliance that has Japan, Australia and India besides America to contain China.  However, now America wants to convert this alliance into a military alliance like the NATO. We can call this alliance the new NATO. We should look at the reasons why America wants to form a new military alliance.                                                                                                                                                                                        

                 The NATO was formed after the Second World War. At that time, America considered the Soviet Union its main adversary and Europe as the most important region. Both these concepts have changed. Now, America considers China its main adversary and Asia the most important region. Therefore, a new military alliance like the NATO is important.                                                                                                                           

                Another reason for creating a new NATO-like alliance is that the old NATO is in complete disarray. There is a widening gap between America and its European partners. There are major differences on major issues such as trade war with China, Iran nuclear deal, environmental treaties, the WHO and the Palestinian issue. Generally, the major European powers want to follow independent policies. The French President has called the NATO brain dead. The NATO members are fighting among each other. Turkey, which has the largest army among the NATO European countries and was called the eastern flank of NATO, is asserting itself in Europe and in other parts of the world. It is confronting Greece and France in the Eastern Mediterranean sea. Turkey and France are supporting the opposite sides in Libya.                                                                                                                                                                              

                 India is in a different situation than the other countries that are supposed to be part of the new NATO. The two major trends of today's world are: Rise of the east and Decline of the west. America's decline is almost universally accepted. However, the other two countries, Japan and Australia, even though geographically a part of the east, have always considered themselves to be in the western camp. Therefore, their future cannot be bright.                      



    After the Second World War, Japan became completely integrated with the western capitalist system and started completely denying its Asian identity. This happened because of the humiliation suffered during the Second World War. Japan made tremendous progress because of integration with the western capitalist system. However, now, with the decline of the western capitalist system, Japan is facing the same problems as the other western capitalist countries. Its fertility rate and population are rapidly declining. Japan's share in the world economy and trade is falling. Unlike other capitalist countries, Japan has not promoted immigration. Japan has been able to avoid the problems associated with mass immigration faced by the other capitalist countries. However, aging and declining population are very serious problems that Japan is facing.                                                                                                                                                                            

                Australia seemed to benefit from the rise of Asia. However, it got torn between its economic and cultural interests. Whereas its economic interests are clearly aligned with Asia, culturally, it still considers itself as an unbreakable part of the west. When you are being pulled in two opposite directions, eventually you are going to break.                                                                                                                    

                India is a part of Asia and the seat of eastern civilization. Therefore, India does not face the problems faced by other countries that are supposed to be a part of the new NATO. There is very small westernized elite in India that wants to align with the west. However, the large majority feels itself to be a part of the east. Moreover, India probably has the largest percentage of young people in the world. With correct political leadership, India's future can be bright.                                                                                      

                 Another problem with joining a formal alliance is that China can form a parallel alliance that can include Russia, Iran and Pakistan. India not only will be risking loss of a most trusted and time tested friend, but they can be in the opposite camps. Moreover, the Indian subcontinent can become an arena for the Third World War. For all of these reasons, India should not join a formal military alliance like NATO.  

Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at