Palantir Technologies was represented in Ottawa by former Ambassador to the US and Liberal Campaign Co-chair David McNaughton. Last week, the Ethics Commissioner found McNaughton guilty of breaching his conflict of interest obligation while promoting Palantir. “This is a massive data surveillance company run by right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel,” said NDP Critic for Ethics, Charlie Angus. “Their technology has been used by both the CIA and in targeting migrant families in the United States. Why did Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland open her doors to a company so out of sync with Canadian values?”


OTTAWA – NDP Critic for Ethics, Charlie Angus (Timmins—James Bay) called out the Liberals, asking them to explain why they welcomed a controversial company with deep ties to Donald Trump into meetings with top government officials.

 Palantir Technologies was represented in Ottawa by former Ambassador to the US and Liberal Campaign Co-chair David McNaughton. Last week, the Ethics Commissioner found McNaughton guilty of breaching his conflict of interest obligation while promoting Palantir.

“This is a massive data surveillance company run by right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel,” said Angus. “Their technology has been used by both the CIA and in targeting migrant families in the United States. Why did Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland open her doors to a company so out of sync with Canadian values?”

The American based Palantir is a big data company that has been accused of establishing “predictive policing” – that has raised serious questions about civil rights, racial profiling and mistreatment of minority communities by the state. Canadians deserve an explanation from the Liberal government.

“We know that when it comes to helping their friends, the Trudeau Liberals have shown a total disregard for their obligations of accountability and conflict of interest,” said Angus. “But why are they inviting in a company like Palantir with its deeply controversial record on human rights? Are we to believe that companies that ignore human rights and have a dodgy record on democratic accountability are welcomed just because they hire top liberal friends? This is very concerning.”