Celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship. It is an opportunity to speak out on issues that affect girls and young women and be connected to all 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 150 countries.

SURREY - February 22 is a very special day for Girl Guides of Canada and friends around the world: World Thinking Day - the annual celebration of the diverse global sisterhood of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

Celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship. It is an opportunity to speak out on issues that affect girls and young women and be connected to all 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 150 countries.

18,000 girls/women who are members of Girl Guides across British Columbia will be celebrating this important occasion with a new diversity & inclusivity theme for 2020, with events throughout the province this week, including in Surrey, BC. 

This Saturday, February 22, over 825 girls and adult allies will gather with friends and community organizations in Surrey for fun, learning, and a focus on exploring diversity and inclusion, as BC's official Thinking Day Celebration travels south of the Fraser.

When: Saturday, February 22, 2020, from 1:00-5:00pm

Where: Surrey City Hall (Atrium) - 13450 104 Ave, Surrey

At this weekend's special event, organized by teenage members of Girl Guides, 825+ girls and women will:

  • Explore hands-on activities that encourage understanding of differences and how we are all connected to each other
  • Network with role models from Metro Vancouver organizations that provide support to newcomers to Canada, multicultural communities, LGBTQ+ families, people with different levels of ability, and offer other community services
  • Take action through a community service project, Period Promise (a campaign by the United Way), by collecting donations of menstrual products to ensure all people have equitable access to essentials 

Girls of all ages will take the lead during this fun occasion, with girl-led activities, while finding opportunities to make a difference in their community, support others, and create A Better World, By Girls - the vision of Girl Guides of Canada - where everyone feels included.

Girl Guides of Canada said it recognizes and values the richness of human diversity in its many forms, and therefore strives to ensure environments where girls and women from all walks of life, identities, and lived experiences feel a sense of belonging and can participate fully. This commitment to inclusion means GGC's culture, programming, and practices encourage self-awareness and awareness of others; room for difference; and environments where girls and women feel safe, respected, supported, and inspired to reach their potential.

About Girl Guides of Canada:

Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada (GGC) empowers every girl in Guiding to discover herself and be everything she wants to be. In Guiding, girls from 5‐17 meet with girls their own age in a safe, inclusive space to explore what matters to them. With programming options ranging from innovative STEM activities to outdoor adventures and discussions on mental health and healthy relationships, girls in Guiding can customize their experience to dive into the topics relevant to them. Girl Guides is where girls take the lead, put their ideas into action and jump into awesome activities – all with the support of engaged Guiders who are committed to  positively impacting their lives. Guiding is all about supporting girls as they take on challenges and grab hold of every opportunity that comes their way.