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Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Equality Day is A Day For All To Celebrate
- April 30, 2024
By Zile Singh
According to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, all are equal. In theory, equality translates to treating people in the same way, without discrimination. Therefore equality is based on the idea that no one should be disadvantaged due to any condition, origin, belief, conviction, or any similar reason. In Canada, not only individuals, but cultures also are treated on equal footings. That is why ‘multiculturalism’ is one of the main characteristics of Canadian ethos. In some extraordinary circumstances, equality is not about treating everyone in the same way, but it recognises that individuals’ needs are sometimes best met in diverse ways. For example Reservation' for weaker sections in India is a constitutional method to bring about equality. On similar lines, the Aboriginal population has some special provisions in Canada. Differently abled people also have some benefits everywhere.
No doubt, everyone can be equal before the law to some extent.Legislation is necessary but it is not enough. Society should be the guardian of equality. They have to break the walls of inequality on the basis of religion, caste, colour,gender, and nationality. Any society which scorns excellence in cobbling as a humble activity and praises shoddiness in scriptures will have neither good sole mending nor head storming. In such a situation, its feet, its brains, and its soul will remain on thorns. The result is that today, the society at large is ‘running about like a headless chicken.’ There is a chaos and inequality all around. A deficit of humanism and logical thinking.
In fact, people who feel discriminated, propagate discrimination on others. This exemplifies the south Asian diaspora. They praise, propagate, and cultivate their own castes and cultures. They give a lip service to multiculturalism and equality. On stage they talk of ‘interfaith’ clinging to the core of their own faith.There are intra-faith divisions. ‘Caste in Canada’ was one of the topics that day. People Talk highly of Dr. Ambedkar within four walls only. They hardly do anything publicly to annihilatecaste system.In comparison toDr. Ambedkar, the greatest Indian and the Bharat Rattan, they have their own miniscule heroes to celebrate. Even the Mumta Foundation, who work for ‘girl child’ are not ready to accept Dr. Ambedkar as their champion, who for the sake of gender equality resigned from the post of the first Law Minister of India. Hasn’t a time come when people stop their hypocritical utterances on Guru Ravidass and Ambedkar Jayantis and try to understand their message of equality. The BC legislature issues a proclamation every day on any subject under the sun.
The victims of caste and inequality,are waving their own ‘magic wands.’ The unequal strata of society desire to remain unequal. There are castes within caste. Afterall, for them it is a question of ‘Identity and Ancestry.’ Why to mingle into a melting pot? Two unequal are not ready to equalise themselves. In fact, the lower castes are more inimical among themselves. It is a ‘dog bites dog’ like situation.
To quote Dr. Ambedkar, “You must make your efforts to uproot caste, if not in my way, then in your way. I am sorry, I will not be with you. I have decided to change. But even when I am gone out of your fold, I will watch your movement with active sympathy.” In his historical speech in Agra on March 18, 1956, Dr. Ambedkar said, “I have no danger from others, but I feel endangered from my own people.”Ambedkar did not ask for alms. He educated, agitated, and boycotted. Dalits in the western world have equality of rights, freedoms, and opportunities, yet they are asking the alms of others by staying in their fold, under their shadow. Why?
“No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can deliver us from the pain of living and from our fear of inferiority complex. It is the human condition that directs the social condition, not vice versa’– Eugene Ionesco – a French novelist. In the Buddha’s words “Aap Dipo Bhav”. Be your own light. Unite for your right.
Zile Singh is a well respected Columnist, Writer and a Vipassana Meditater. He has a Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Rights. He can be reached at