Opposition Surrey Councillor Linda Annis says that even though the province has given Surrey the go-ahead to create a local police board, she feels there has been a serious lack of transparency with too many important questions still to be answered. “We are extremely disappointed but not surprised to see the provincial government’s approval of this next step in the Mayor of Surrey’s proposed plan to transition from the RCMP to a new municipally branded police force,” said Brian Sauvé, President of the RCMP union.

By PD RajDESIBUZZCanada Senior Writer

SURREY – It looks like the NDP government in the midst of planning  a fall election has given the go ahead to create a Surrey police department to appease many Surrey voters, especially those in the Indo-Canadian community.

Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, granted approval Thursday to create a municipal police board for the City of Surrey - the next stage in the plan to transition from the RCMP to a municipal police department.

Having considered the Provincial Municipal Policing Transition Study Committee's report, as well as the recommendation of the director of police services, in line with section 3 of the Police Act, the minister is confident that the key aspects of the transition plan that required more detail have been thoroughly considered.

Opposition Surrey Councillor Linda Annis says that even though the province has given Surrey the go-ahead to create a local police board, she feels there has been a serious lack of transparency with too many important questions still to be answered.

“Going forward, the taxpayers of Surrey need to demand full accountability and transparency when it comes to costs, the size of the force, and what exactly will be different – or better – than what we already have today,” said Annis.

“The fact that we’re going to be paying more for less, including fewer officers, is a concern to every Surrey taxpayer. This entire process needs a lot of sunlight and transparency if Surrey residents are going to have any confidence in the creation of a local force. A Surrey police department cannot be created behind closed doors and we really have to ask ourselves about what extra value we’re going to get from the SPD.”

Calling it “Day one of Surrey Police Department”, Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum welcomed the decision.

 “In just over one year, we moved from a unanimous council motion to full reality on our promise to deliver to the citizens of Surrey a city police department,” said Mayor Doug McCallum. “With Minister Farnworth’s final approval to establish the Surrey Police Board, today marks day one for the Surrey Police Department.”

With a population of nearly 600,000, Surrey is the only major city in the country without its own city police department. 

“We are extremely disappointed but not surprised to see the provincial government’s approval of this next step in the Mayor of Surrey’s proposed plan to transition from the RCMP to a new municipally branded police force,” said Brian Sauvé, President of the RCMP union.

“As the union representing the officers who best know and understand Surrey’s distinct communities and policing and safety needs, we have repeatedly asked to be engaged in this decision at both levels of government with no response.”

RCMP Assistant Commissioner Brian Edwards was also lukewarm in his response to the announcement.

“We respect that every municipality has the right to choose what type of police force they want for their city. But that is not to say this is not difficult for us. Given the nature of the work we do in the community, we are heavily invested in Surrey and its residents. This situation is discouraging for our members who enjoy policing this community and, in particular, for those who live in Surrey and raise their families here,” said Edwards.

“I have not seen the report done by the Provincial Municipal Policing Transition Study Committee, so I cannot comment on the process ahead, timeline, or policing structure during a transition. I hope to be brought into those conversations in the weeks and months ahead so I can ensure the safety of Surrey residents and the wellbeing of members and employees throughout this process.

“While there is still a long road ahead, I want to take this opportunity to thank the thousands of local citizens who have shown their support for the great work being done by the Surrey RCMP. There is no denying that we have deep connection with this community, and that is a significant part of what motivates us in our work every day,” Edwards concluded.

Chaired by Wally Oppal, who told the Surrey Board of Trade this week that the new police will be costly to Surrey taxpayers, the Provincial Municipal Policing Transition Study Committee included representatives from the City of Surrey, the ministry and independent consultants with specialized expertise. The committee was established in August 2019 to ensure the City of Surrey's transition plan addressed all key issues, and its work has now concluded.

The Surrey police board, once established, will be responsible for creating and governing the Surrey police department. Responsibilities will include:

* being the employer of the police and civilian employees;

* providing financial oversight for the police department;

* establishing policies and direction for the police department; and

* managing service and policy complaints against the department.

To support the transition process, the Policing Model Transition Secretariat (established in spring 2019) and the director of police services will continue to provide oversight, leadership and support for the Province and the City of Surrey. This will ensure provincial accountabilities, public safety and police oversight are maintained throughout.

All parties involved acknowledge the complex scale of a transition this size and are committed to co-operation and collaboration with Public Safety Canada and the RCMP.

A timeline for the transition will be determined by key partners as this work progresses.

In 2018, the City of Surrey initiated termination of its agreement with the RCMP and the transition to a municipal police force, in accordance with its powers under the Police Act.