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Conservatives Attempt To Continue Anti-canadian Sikh Propaganda With A Racist, Divisive Resolution
- March 3, 2018

PM Trudeau Says He Agrees With Canadian Intelligence That Indian Agents Behind Pre-Planned Anti-Canada Propaganda!
“Hindu Conservative MP” Deepak Obhrai Should Be Ashamed!
“Shame on you Deepak. Sorry, but this is madness and hatred,” wrote the LINK, Canada’s oldest English language Indo-Canadian/South Asian newspaper. “Seriously – your own former PM Stephen Harper met with Jaspal Atwal and your current leader has many criminals of Indian descent who helped his campaign. Make sure you put that also on your resolution. We think this is part of the Hindu hatred against Sikhs and as a Hindu politician, you putting this forward is incredibly shady and racist towards Sikhs.Let us give you the facts – there has not been any Khalistan related violence for over two decades in Canada now – are you trying to relive the 1980s all over again.” PM Justin Trudeau also weighed in on the Conspiracy to sabotage his visit and on anti-Sikh Canadian propaganda, saying he doesn't refute 'conspiracy theory' that Indian government factions sabotaged his trip. “When one of our top diplomats and security officials says something to Canadians it's because they know it to be true,” Trudeau said. India denied any suggestion that it was behind the organized effort to sabotage Trudeau’s visit.
By R. Paul Dhillon – Editor-Founder DESIBUZZCanada
SURREY – This week, the federal Conservative party and the many anti-Sikh Canadian and racist elements within the party tried to escalate the anti-Sikh propaganda with one of the most divisive and racist resolutions in parliament that painted Sikhs as “terrorists” while try to do the worst kind of “ass-kissing” to a foreign power, in this case India.
Hindu Conservative MP” Deepak Obhrai was busy Wednesday night sending out the “hateful” resolution which stated: “Parliament will debate a Motion put forth by the Conservative Party of Canada condemning acts of violence to advance a Khalistani state in India and committing to stand with a united India. Please see our party’s motion below:
That the House:
(a) values the contributions of Canadian Sikhs and Canadians of Indian origin in our national life;
(b) condemn in the strongest terms all forms of terrorism, including Khalistani extremism and the glorification of any individuals who have committed acts of violence to advance the cause of an independent Khalistani state in India; and
(c) stand with a united India.
“I will be speaking to this motion at approximately 11.40 A.M. (EST) and invite you all to view the debate on my Facebook page ( or on CPAC,” Obhrai wrote in his email.
We at the LINK immediately wrote backto Obhrai with these concerns and comments regarding his and his party’s asinine Resolution:
“Shame on you Deepak. Sorry, but this is madness and hatred,” wrote the LINK, Canada’s oldest English language Indo-Canadian/South Asian newspaper.
“Seriously – your own former PM Stephen Harper met with Jaspal Atwal and your current leader has many criminals of Indian descent who helped his campaign. Make sure you put that also on your resolution.
“We think this is part of the Hindu hatred against Sikhs and as a Hindu politician, you putting this forward is incredibly shady and racist towards Sikhs.
“Let us give you the facts – there has not been any Khalistan related violence for over two decades in Canada now – are you trying to relive the 1980s all over again.
“Totally SHAMEFUL.”
“Even the Modi government has given clemency to more than 100 former Khalistanis, including former would-be-Assassins like Jaspal Atwal, and visas to travel to India and taken their names off the Blacklist.
“What nonsense are you making this Resolution?
“Conservatives have been known as party associated with racists and now you've also made your discriminating voice known. Absolutely shameful that you are trying to silence Sikh voices who stand up for justice for innocent Sikhs killed by Indian government forces. Why don't you include that in your useless resolution.”
“RIDICULOUS!,” the LINK concluded in our reply to Obhrai’s racist resolution.
The resolution, which was officially credited to Conservative foreign affairs critic Erin O’Toole but had Obrai’s fingerprints all over with great enthusiasm from him in sending out email after email of promoting it, was however shelved by the Conservative party after uproar from the Sikh community as well as Conservative Sikh party members, former MPs and current MPs.
Organizations like the World Sikh Organization also got involved in getting awareness against the racist resolution by urging Sikhs to phone Conservative MPs and leader Andew Scheer.
“Instead of using House of Commons time for matters and issues that will actually help people's lives, they are targeting the Sikh community and tarnishing us as extremists. There is no reason for starting this debate but the effect will be clear. Fellow Canadians are starting to see us as terrorists when we are not. This will damage us in the public eye and hurt our community immensely, particularly our youth,” WSO wrote in it’s message to the community which was shared widely on Social Media.
“Please call and leave voicemails at the offices of Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer and Erin O'Toole (who is bringing this motion forward). Please communicate to them that if the Conservatives carry through and bring this motion forward then they will lose support from Sikh community and our Gurdwaras. The Sikh community will not forget this,” Yours truly, WSO Canada
Obhrai should be ashamed of himself and apologize to Canadian Sikhs as his divisive resolution has now become part of the ongoing conspiracy to defame Canadian Sikhs and PM Justin Trudeau.
Sikh extremism has been dead for over two decades and there hasn’t been a violent incident involving so-called Khalistanis also for over two decades. Why are enemies of Sikhs like Ujjal Dosanjh hell bent on revisiting the 1980s in the year 2018.
And mainstream media also needs a head shake for continuing to report this propaganda. It’s absolutely disgraceful. The enemy is trying to kill Sikh spirit but the warrior Sikh spirit will always stand for justice and human rights and no one will be able to silence the Sikh community here in Canada or India.
Obhrai and Conservative party are doing nothing but fomenting hate and treading on the path of Racism against Sikhs and giving Conservatives a bad name.
PM Trudeau also weighed in on the Conspiracy to sabotage his visit and on anti-Sikh Canadian propaganda, saying he doesn't refute 'conspiracy theory' that Indian government factions sabotaged his trip
“When one of our top diplomats and security officials says something to Canadians it's because they know it to be true,” Trudeau said
The theory appears to stem from the Indian government’s recent approval of a travel visa for Jaspal Atwal, a British Columbia man with ties to a Sikh separatist group that is banned in Canada and India as a terrorist organization. Atwal served jail time for the attempted murder of Indian cabinet minister Malkiat Singh Sidhu on Vancouver Island in 1986.
Aside from Atwal, nearly a 100 former Khalistanis also got visa to travel to India and had their names removed from the Blacklist.
During question period Tuesday, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer asked whether Trudeau agrees with or disavows the “allegations” made by a senior government security source to the National Post and other media outlets.
“When one of our top diplomats and security officials says something to Canadians it’s because they know it to be true,” Trudeau said, adding that it was the previous Conservative government that “torqued the public service every possible way they could.”
The opposition reasoned that Trudeau must, then, believe that the Indian government helped sabotage his trip. Trudeau did not stand up to contradict this interpretation.
India denied any suggestion that it was behind the organized effort to sabotage Trudeau’s visit.