An opening reception was held last Sunday morning for Batik – Expressions of Identity exhibition of Malaysian fabric and art at the Chinese Cultural Centre near the Sun Yat Sun Chinese Gardens in Vancouver’s Chinatown. The very humble Mohd Adli Abdullah, the Malaysian Consul General in Vancouver, also attended along with other dignitaries . Adilin explained that the exhibition tells a story of the batik textiles of Malaysia and the transformation of the traditional art and design forms from the 1960s to the present. The exhibition explore the various techniques and designs created by the various ethnic groups in Malaysia including Malacca and Selangor. We live in the most diverse city in the world so go out there and experience all that the world cultures that have gathered here have to offer!

Mohd Adli Abdullah, the Malaysian Consul General in Vancouver, with DESIBUZZbc founder and editor R. Paul Dhillon



Photos by Ebrahim Jadwet