DESIBUZZbc (1)-Red

By Hanif Patel

It is a pride to be a Canadian and participate on Canada Day celebration with zeal and enthusiasm.

A red letter day not only bring a chance of joy and merriment  but provide an opportunity to rejuvenate spirit to become more reliable, loyal and patriotic Canadians.

Let us make decision on Canada Day and decide to be faithful citizen of Canada. A good citizen abide the rules and regulations, understand rights and responsibilities and maintain fair and equality approach towards fellow citizens.


The legendary journey of 149 years have been accomplished remarkably because our citizens contributed ceaseless efforts therefore we could achieve meaningful and significant nation wide progress.

Now duty rely upon us  to carry on similar journey forward and dedicate decent role to make better nation where all Canadians co-exist peacefully with emotional attachment and geographical integration.

Stand together with solidarity and sincerity.

Create climate of peace and harmony to build country strong, safe and shinning place on this planet.

Have a lovely Canada Day celebration to all !!!